Home Page

Class Pages

2024 - 2025


In October, we are hoping to launch our new website, and as such the current Class Pages will only contain a few piece of information.  It seems a bit silly to put lots of things on this site, only for it to disappear!  (The teachers won't thank me for the extra work either!)


Please click on the icon marked 'Camm's 2024' for the information relevant to the start of this academic year.


One of the best ways to keep up with what's happening is to make sure you have Parenthub installed on your phone.  Failing that, trying to catch a teacher at the end of the day.


Thanks for your patience and understanding whilst we get things in order.


Mr C

Contacting Teachers


Should you wish to speak to your child's teacher, please call the School Office and arrange for a meeting or call back.


Each teacher has set aside two, 30 minute slots each week to respond to any queries you may have.  It is also possible to speak to them before or after school (depending on teaching or other commitments).


Should you wish to speak to me, please email and I will do my best to help.  

Our Class Pages


Here you will find the links to your child's class page.


Each page is set out in the same way and contains the following information:


  • All About 'Us' - An introduction form the class teacher letting you know a bit about them, the other adults in the class, what to expect in that year group and anything else they want to say!


  • Important Information - Letters, timetables, kit lists and anything that is considered important for the smooth running of the class.


  • Our Learning - What your child will be learning over the course of the year.  These are often called 'Long Term Plans - LTPs' which is a full year overview and 'Medium term Plans ' MTPs' and is what is being taught in any particular term.  This is a great page to start if you are unsure of what is happening in school!


  • Working Hard - Photos and examples of work from the children.  


  • Homework - Links to any websites that are given as homework (TT Rockstars, MyOn etc), or if there is any specific homework set by the teacher.


  • Calendar of Events - Specific things that affect your child's class.


  • Contact Us - A form to get in touch with your child's teacher.


Hopefully you find the pages useful!  If not, or if you have any suggestions, or want to get in touch with me, please use the form below.



Contacting Mr Cocking

I aim to respond to all requests within 48 hours, but if it is urgent, please call the School Office instead.
