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Tuesday 4th June 2024 - Poppy Planting for 80th Anniversary of D-Day - Arts and Crafts Club

Easter Egg Winners!!! (And Marlo!)

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Children's Mental Health Swapover Morning - February 2024

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2's Christmas Party Lunch - December 2022!

Christmas with the Aliens

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Christmas with the Aliens ~ Final Song

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

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Year 6 Leavers 2022

KS2 Sports Day 2022

Year 1 and Year 2's Easter Egg Hunt 2022!

Comic Relief/Ukraine fundraiser

Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday 8th February 2022 it was Safer Internet Day. Throughout school, we discussed ways that technology in and outside of school support our everyday life. We discussed ways to stay safe online including age restrictions on social media websites. If you require more information on Safer Internet Day please go on the following website.

Safer Internet Day 2022 - UK Safer Internet Centre

Things to Celebrate in 2021 - 2022


We hope, now that regular service is resuming, we can bring you all of the things that we are celebrating this year in school.


Keep checking back on this page for new photos!

Christingle in a bag

Well done to the Reading Challenge finishers!!

Egg Decorating


WOW!!  Just WOW!!


The response have been overwhelming to the note sent out by Mrs Eyre.


We thought that with the short-notice we might only have a few takers.  Over 100 of you took up the challenge and sent in a marvelous effort, and for that you all get a big THANK YOU!!


As part of the Easter celebrations, I asked Maddy, the Community Champion from Morrisons, to donate some eggs to school so that we could make the occasion more special.  In return for the donation, we have created some Easter cards which Morrisons will add to some of their Easter deliveries.


One good turn deserves another!


Whilst Maddy was with us, I invited her down to look at the eggs, and she was that bowled over, she has chosen a favourite egg from each class.  These children will receive an Easter egg donated by Morrisons.


I will announce the children whose eggs made Maddy smile in Friday's Star of the Week assembly.  They will then be posted on here.


In the meantime, feast your eyes on all of the wonderful creations.


Parents - many thanks for helping make this happen.

Nursery Eggs

Year 6

WBD - Where's Gandalf!?

The Whale Is Back!


Thanks to the fabulous efforts of Neil (a mate of Forest Schools Graham), we have a willow whale again.


He has crafted seats on the inside too, so when it gets a bit sunny and we can all be near each other again, it can be a place of quiet relaxation.


The spare willow is also available on the field for den-making and to help resource our Forest Schools provision.


Please treat it with respect.

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Fayre 7-12-18

Our Harvest celebrations

Delivering Harvest baskets to our neighbours. 5-10-18

Voting for House Captains

Well done to our 2017-2018 Award winners. These were given for 100% attendance, effort in 'after school' clubs and Y6 Roll of Honour

Leavers Service

Easter hunt - each house had to work together to fit the jigsaw pieces together to make a picture.

Bronze ambassador training

Preparing our Christingle oranges 6-12-17

Mrs P's retirement flashmob

Still image for this video

Brass Morning 23-3-17

Harvest Festival gifts 20-10-16

MacMillan Coffee Morning Success!

Voting for House Captains & Vice Captains 8-916

Hair today; gone tomorrow

Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing the children’s work.

Syrian refugee teddies - 114!

Year 4 - Topic Homework

Y4 Visit to the Mosque 3/3/15

Dance Platform - Y4 at the Winding Wheel 24/2/15

Bronze Ambassador Conference 2015

Year 4 at work!

Archive Photos
