Our Ethos
At Camms we treat all of our children equally and ensure that they all have access to the curriculum so that they can grow and flourish. Where additional support is required to facilitate progress, we endeavour to provide the appropriate help and assistance so that every child succeeds.
School SENDCo
From September 2023, the Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator role at Eckington Camm's Endowed CE Primary School will be shared between Mr Blake and Miss Beadle.
Mr Blake and Miss Beadle will be working closely together on identified SEND priorities across the school.
Overall co-ordination of SEND provision in EYFS and KS1 will be led by Mr Blake. Miss Beadle will be leading the co-ordination of SEND provision in KS2.
As part of their shared role, Mr Blake and Miss Beadle will have the responsibility for co-ordinating provision for children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC) and those who qualify for additional top-up funding through the Derbyshire Local Offer.
Mr Blake completed his SENDCo training in 2015 and Miss Beadle completed her qualification early in 2022.
If you need to get in touch with our SENDCo team, please complete the form below or email send@camms.derbyshire.sch.uk
Working in Partnership
A clear assessment of your child's progress will be shared with you at parents' meetings scheduled throughout the school year. If you are worried about a particular area of difficulty, or would like more information about how to support your child's progress at home, then please speak to your child's class teacher as your first point of contact. Please also share your knowledge and understanding of your child with us to inform our practice in school.
For those parents or guardians of children on our SEND register, you can also submit comments online by logging in securely to the edukey website. This site also enables you view your child's current learning plan targets. We believe this to a further way of facilitating our partnership with parents and guardians, working closely together so that every child succeeds. If you are yet to receive your email invitation, or if you require a reminder of your login details, please do get in touch.
Pastoral Support
Mrs Roddis provides pastoral and nurture support for a range of children throughout the school. Our pastoral and nurture support is a provision put in place for identified children to make sure the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of pupils is cared for. Our commitment to pastoral and nurture support feeds into everything our school does to ensure our pupils have the best chance at success.
Mrs Roddis regularly updates her Mental Health and Wellbeing page with useful information:
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) is the term used to describe difficulties with:
Everyone with SLCN is different and may have difficulty with one, some or all of the different aspects of speech, language or communication at different times of their lives. Please click on the link below to find out more about this area of need and the provision in place here at Camms.
Autism Advocates
Mr Blake and Miss McGregor are the trained Autism Advocates at our school. On Tuesday 5th September 2023, Mr Blake and Miss McGregor shared this training, developed by the Autism Education Trust, more widely in school during a staff INSET day. They will both be attending a further training unit this academic year.
SEND Governor
Tori Lister is the SEND Specialist Governor here at Camms Primary School. Tori works with the rest of the governing body on key areas relating to the school's improvement plan, including the ongoing process of reviewing provision for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities in the school. If you would like to get in touch with our SEND governor, please contact our office who can pass on your contact for response.