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Speech and Language

Speech and Language Concerns


If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. If we have discussed a specific concern with you about your child’s speech, language or communication, or you have raised a concern, we will decide together what the appropriate next step is, whether that is requesting informal advice or completing a SALT referral together. Current waiting times for successful referrals can be up 12 months.


Our NHS Link Speech and Language Therapist


Our school works to support speech, language and communication with support from our main NHS link speech and language therapist, Clare Thorns. Mr Blake and Miss Beadle will keep in contact with Clare throughout the year, including letting her know when children who have had a successful SALT referral require the setting of new targets.


Useful Resources


Clare Thorns has recommended the following websites:


(Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's communication skills. 

Explore their simple activities and play ideas and find out about their amazing early development)


General Early Language Advice:






Lots of activities and advice on the Chesterfield Royal Hospital website can be found under SLT!.


Other Useful Websites:


Speechlink Parent Portal:

Speech and Language UK:
