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Class Pages Archive: 2022-2023

Welcome to Our Class Pages


These are the pages that you will probably visit most often and we hope you find the most useful.


Each page is set up (initially) in the same way to help you navigate to the right place:


  • Letters - Any letters that are class-specific can be found here.  This is your first stop for those letters that might 'go missing'!


  • Important Information - This is a page with details that are specific to classes in terms of reading, PE requirements, if you need to bring anything in for projects and other things.  It's a catch-all page too.


  • Calendar of Events - Hopefully this will have lots of things on this year!  It will include dates for class-specific events.


  • Our Learning - This will be the page that introduces what the children will be learning about this year.


Much of the information on these pages, especially relating to events, will be sent out via Parent Hub too, so you will have plenty of opportunity to make sure things are in order and your child doesn't miss out (and stops you running around on a Sunday night!)


There is also a Contact Form for you to ask any questions that might be swishing round!  It's much better to use the Contact Form than rely on any WhatsApp group if you are unsure of anything.


