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Year 1 - Mrs Womble

All About Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! In Year 1 the class teacher is Mrs Womble and the Teaching Assistant is Mrs Treweek. Mrs Womble is in class everyday apart from Wednesday afternoons when the class will be taught by Mrs Yeomans. Mrs Treweek will be in class everyday apart from Friday afternoons. Miss Fuller will also be in Year 1 daily, supporting a Year 1 child with their learning. Liz Hagan is one of our Governors and she comes into school on a Tuesday afternoon to read with some of the children.


Year 1 is the first year of the National Curriculum and the children will have a mixture of table based, structured learning every morning to include the core subject areas of writing, reading, phonics and maths. In the afternoons, the children will learn different foundation subjects including music, RE, PE, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, PSHE, Computing and Science. These areas of learning will involve some play-based learning along with some small group work with an adult.


In Year 1 we have high expectations in terms of behaviour. Children are rewarded in Year 1 with positive praise, stickers and certificates. We have a Star of the Day each day who will stand at the front of the line the following day and have the Star of the Day mascot, Franklin in class all day. We have  a Year 1 mascot called Rocky who will go home with one Year 1 child on a Friday for fun and adventures. Rocky is due back in on a Thursday. Children in Year 1 will start each day on the green face but if their behaviour isn't following the expectations of the Year 1 classroom, their name will be removed and they will miss 5 minutes of their playtime or lunchtime. They will spend this time, reflecting on their behaviour with a member of the Year 1 team. Consistent poor behaviour will result in a phone call home or a conversation with an adult at the door at hometime. Children will be reminded daily of the expectations of Year 1 both inside the classroom and outside at playtimes and lunchtimes.


Year 1 is a hard year for the children but great fun too! Please look at the important information for details regarding PE days, Fresh-Air Friday, Reading Race and when books are changed. Any questions, please ask a member of the Year 1 team or alternatively, fill in the contact me box below. Thank you.
