Week 7
A fantastic end to Year 1! We started the week with some football skills with Qualitas. We created maps of our local area of Eckington with a small group of children, creating our own key too! We worked in small groups to create a whole-class performance of 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' in music. We had a mini Rounders tournament in PE with Psalms winning! In Maths, we did some practical dividing and multiplications. In Writing, we did some performing of poetry and wrote our own version of the poem 'Dark Dark Wood' with a partner. We created our own versions of natural art based on work from the artist, Andy Goldsworthy. In Computing, we create a pictogram of Year 1 Pets with a partner. We enjoyed a sunny beach party with mocktails and ice-cream on Thursday with reception (photos on gallery) and received our Reading Race certificates! An incredible end of our time in Year 1!
Week 6
A busy week in Year 1! We wrote our own independent versions of the traditional tale 'Little Red Riding Hood' for our writing focus. We recapped addition and subtraction in Maths this week using concrete objects and mental maths. We had a go at loom knotting and weaving in Art and made our own Jewish bread, challah, as part of our RE learning on Judaism. In PE this week, we have been learning about fielder, batting and bowling and how to score and get players out. We have also done some leaping, hopping and jumping. In Science this week, we have been labelling parts of a tree and plant. In Computing, we have been collecting colour data from the classroom and we created a block graph using J2Data program on the internet! Another busy and tiring week!
Week 5
An unusual week this week with transition days, an author visit and a Summer Disco to finish! The Year 1's have finished their modelled writing this week based on the traditional tale, Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, we have continued with our time unit, telling the time and drawing hands on analogue clocks to show o'clock and half-past. In Science, we had Mrs Bradshaw teaching us about the parts of the plants that we eat and we investigated how fruits and vegetables react to different liquids (e.g. lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda etc.) In PE, we were learning how to field, bat and bowl underarm. We got our medals from Sports Day and finished off our week with some drama and rhyming with the fantastic author, Steve Webb!
Week 4
Another busy week in Year 1! In English we have been continuing our writing based on the Traditional Tale Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, we have moved onto time and we started the week by sequencing our day using time vocabulary. We also did a practical activity based on minutes and seconds. We have also learned to recite the days of the week and the months of the year using different songs to help us. In Geography, we did a team challenge which involved creating a map of the UK and naming and labelling the countries that make up the UK and their capital cities. We had a fantastic walk in Eckington Woods looking at what grows there! We did some natural artwork using twigs, leaves and sticks. We have also started to collect data based on what colour objects we found in the classroom. We finished the week with an amazing Sports Day (photographs for this will be in the gallery.)
Week 3
In Year 1 this week, we have been learning about money in Maths. We have been continuing our traditional tale story based on the book 'Little Red Riding Hood.' In Geography, we did a team challenge by creating our own world map and labelling the seven continents. We learned to keep the beat in Music using fast, slow and steady pulses. In Art, we made sculptures out of sticks, wool and playdough. We have continued to learn about grouping and data in Computing. We finished the week with our skills morning in PE (photos for the skills morning in the gallery folder.)
Week 2
Another busy week in Year 1. This week in English, we have been learning about traditional tales and have started to write our modelled writing based on Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, we have been learning about one more and one less, missing numbers on number lines and had great fun doing some card games involving place value and numbers. In Science, we planted a seed and predicted what it might grow into. Although our local History walk was very hot, we had a great time looking at how some buildings and landmarks have changed overtime. We had a visit from the police to talk about whether everyone we meet is a friend. We learned about healthy eating in PSHE and enjoyed a fabulous game using plastic food and a parachute! We did some striking and fielding games in PE!
Week 1
A busy start to our last half-term in Year 1! We started our week with some sports day practise which was tiring but fun! We then went on our trip to Renishaw Hall and Gardens with Year 5 and did a flower hunt, some observational drawing and some exploring in the woods and grounds of Renishaw Hall. In Maths, we re-visited place value and did some partitioning using part/whole models. In PSHE, we have been learning about positive body image and saying good things that we like about our face and body. A fantastic but tiring first week!