Week 7
In our final week of Autumn Term 1, we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and using these to find different addition fact families. We worked together with our table to write different colour poems based on Autumn and Harvest. We created some famous landmarks of London by designing and making London! In R.E, we compared Christian weddings to Jewish weddings, which we all found really interesting! A fantastic end to a tiring half-term!
Week 6
A great week of learning in Year 1! We have been writing our own stories on The King's hat with a twist and we will edit these next week ready for some of them to go on display! You will be able to read our stories at parents evening too! In Maths, we have been learning the part/whole model and have to use this method to add. In Science, we have collected some data ready for our pictograms next week! Fresh Air Friday was focused on emotions and feelings. We read the Colour Monster book and used different natural materials to make different faces to show emotions, can you guess the emotion from the photographs?
Week 5
Another fab week in Year 1! This week we have been ordering numbers and objects in maths and continuing to use our mathematical vocabulary and symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. We finished off our The Queen's Hat stories and will start to write our own versions next week! We visited Eckington church for our unit on belonging and explored the different belonging symbols including trying to find a puzzling donkey statue! We finished off our week discussing behaviour and safety online and played a game called 'Who is Charlie the Chameleon?! Great fun and some amazing learning!
Week 4
Another busy week in Year 1! We have been writing the middle part of our story based on the book The Queen's Hat! We have been playing verbs charades in our SPAG lesson and using our knowledge of verbs in our writing this week! In Maths, we have been learning about the mathematical vocabulary greater than, less than, equal to, same, fewer and more including using the signs < > and =. We have been learning how to control a football to pass to a partner in P.E and we finished the week litter picking in the pouring rain, hence the reason for no photographs!
Week 3
This week the children attended their first Qualitas multi-skills and fundamentals session at Graves Sports Centre, taking part in different sporting activities including dance, tag games, relay races, flip the hoop and pass the balloon challenge. They also did some practical maths to find one more and one less than a given number to 10. In Fresh Air Friday, we discussed the wider community and how they help us then we played Cops and Robbers and Firefighter tag. Another great week of fun, games and learning!
Week 2
This week in Year 1, we have started our writing unit based on the story 'The Queen's Hat' which we will be working on over the next few weeks. We have been learning to read and write numbers to 10 in numerals and words in Maths. We have read the book 'The Memory Tree' and how we remember our loved ones who are no longer with us. In Fresh Air Friday, we focused on 'same but different' looking for people and objects that are the same as us or different to us! Another great week!
Week 1
What a great start to Year 1! This week we have played the hand bells in music to London Bridge is falling down, started our football unit with Qualitas in P.E, found the correct amount of objects to represent a number to 10 in Maths, discussed clubs that we belong to in R.E and enjoyed our first Fresh Air Friday afternoon! Have a look at the photographs to see how much fun we have had!