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Get the pupils to discuss key information that they can draw out from the meeting at the museum between Lilian, Tulip and Oz.



Teacher model: Today was unforgettable. Firstly, I went to see Grandad and they wouldn’t let me in the hospital. Then, when I went to the British Museum, I meet a strange girl and her brother!


Children to try to use the exclamation mark in their writing of the first sentence


Provide these words separate without hyphens and get the children to generate some hyphenated words and quick similes - Armour-covered, evil-eyed, battle-scarred, blood-encrusted, blood-soaked, blood-drenched. Quick Simile - bear-like, monster-like, animal-like, beast-like, dance-like.


Teacher model: Oz, the brother, was not like anybody I’d ever met. All he was interested in was drawing pictures of battle-scarred chariots, gold-covered coffins and carefully-painted jars.


Share a range of question word starts e.g., are, can, what, shall, would, could, why etc.


Teacher model: In amongst the exhibits was the name of Professor Selim Halawani. Would I find what I was looking for here?



Challenge 1  - Write from the viewpoint of Lilian.


Challenge 2 - Write from the viewpoint of Tulip or OZ.

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