Covid-19 information Page
The information on this page range form very early advice to up-to-date releases from HM Government.
Each day I get sent a number of emails detailing changes, proposals and requirements and I have taken the decision NOT to post all of that on here.
The majority of the information will be sent via Parenthub, in Newsletters, normal letters or put on the 'Latest News' page. This a slimmed-down version f the information sent to me, and hopefully is more useful.
As with anything, if you need us; we are here!
We can't give advice, but we are an ear. We can't predict the future, but we can print things out. We can't make promises as to when it will all end, but we can make a promise to do our very best.
Corona Virus Information Page
This page is dedicated to providing you with as much detail as we can regarding the current situation surrounding COVID 19.
The page will have Gov information, school-only letters, cluster-wide information as well as anything we feel is useful.
When this page first started in April, I (like most others), didn't expect to be still updating it as we head into the new academic year (and beyond). Still, we are where we are, and if we all do our best, it'll work out in the end
In general:
The main symptoms to look out for are:
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home.
Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you're staying at home.
Ringing School:
If you make the decision to keep your child off school, please call us and say that you are self-isolating. This helps us to keep a track of any potential hot-spots in classes.
Also, please call everyday to keep us informed. This may sound unnecessary, but it means we know people are safe, and again, helps us with our planning.
Do not call us asking for advice. We are a school! We are not medically trained and also do not have the authority to guide you. It is your decision as a parent.
In the event of a closure - either class bubble or whole school - please look on Parenthub and your class pages for guidance and learning activities.
The remote learning policy is in effect, and all planning will be available online.
The survey that was filled in earlier this year highlighted a small minority of households that d not have remote access -we are working hard to set-up the Gov-funded provision to help with this.
To keep transmission rates as low as possible, we will not be offering printed versions of work unless absolutely necessary and as a complete last resort.
Purple Mash allows for work to be completed on line and then sent to teaches for feedback. This is a faster, more efficient, more environmentally-friendly way of doing things, and means no to-ing and fro-ing of work.
Add to this with plenty of reading (English), playing outside (PE), Spelling Shed (English), TT Rockstars (Maths), baking (Science/Maths/English), cleaning! (Science, Maths, English) and you'll be well-prepared for a good return.
Remote Learning Plan
Many thanks to you for sending back the information that I needed to formulate a Remote Learning Plan.
To be honest, I think that during the first lockdown, we achieved a good balance between paper and online, and helped each other to find the best way forward.
As per Gov guidelines, I have created a more formal plan, and uploaded it.
The major differences are in expectations: We are expected to give ore feedback on the work that the children have been doing and you are expected to get the children to do it!
This will, the event of a lockdown, take a week or two to settle into a rhythm, hence the 10-day plan, but once we are all into the swing of things, then we all need to be pulling in the same direction.
Please take the time to read, and add any comments as needed. The 'Contact me' at the VERY BOTTOM of the page is available.
Please use the title COVID Q's and I'll know what it's about. For general queries, please ring the Office.