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Good morning Y5 Monday 1st.mp4

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Make sure you still do some times tables/daily 10 to start off your Maths. Times tables are absolutely essential for developing competence at tackling fractions in Y5 and Y6 - this is why I have been going on and on and on about them since the beginning of Y5!

Monday Maths - Equivalent Fractions Part 2

Georgia O'Keeffe Landscapes

I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (

Music - 2Sequence


2Sequence is a composing app on PurpleMash - you have all been set this as a 2do.

This week, have a go at getting to know the app. There is also a 2sequence example on there to look at before you get started.


Some things to consider whilst having a go:


Can you create some sequences using different harmonies and timbres of instrument?

What instruments work well together?

Can you create a sequence with 3 or more instruments at the same time?

Can you create a consistent pulse (beat) with another instrument on top? 
