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Important Things

In Summer Term 2, Year 1 will be doing PE on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. On those day, children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit. Black or navy blue joggers or shorts with a white or house coloured t-shirt with their school jumper, cardigan or fleece. Suitable footwear must be worn. Long hair tied up or back please.

Phonics Meeting PowerPoint for Parents and Carers

Zones of Regulation

In Year 1, we use the Zones of Regulation to talk about our feelings and emotions. We use these throughout the day and have regular opportunities to discuss our feelings and emotions. We have also created a class toolbox with different strategies on it to help us when we are feeling different feelings and emotions. We have Zones of Regulation fans at home to extend on this so we can discuss our feelings and emotions at home. The following website tells you more information on what the Zones of Regulation are the benefit these can have on children's emotional literacy. There is also a link to a Inside Out video which we use to model feelings and emotions and how our body language changes when we feel a certain way. Please feel free to speak to a member of Year 1 for more information.

Reading records will be checked on Tuesdays and Fridays. Reading books will be changed accordingly on these days. 


In Year 1, reading is so important and we highly recommend that children should read at home at least 3 times per week to an adult. Any children who haven't read 3 times per week will stay and read to a member of Year 1 on a Thursday lunchtime for 5-10 minutes. 


Reading at home is rewarded in Year 1 with our Disney themed reading race. For every read that you do at home, you will move 1 place on the reading race. The reading race is made up of 3 different stages (bronze, silver and gold) so the more you read, the more stages you will collect!

On a Friday afternoon, Year 1 will be learning outside on the big field. The children will need to bring a change of footwear (i.e. wellies, old trainers, old boots etc.) and come to school in sensible clothing that they don't mind getting dirty (i.e. joggers, leggings, t-shirt, jumper etc.) We will be outside in all weathers so children will need to ensure that they bring a waterproof coat with them. Any questions, please ask!
