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How is Australia different from Antarctica?

Autumn 2 - Week 7

Another great week of learning in Year 1! We have completed and edited our independent writes based on the book 'Wombat goes Walkabout.' In Maths, we have started to explore 3D shapes and we performed our Nativity 'Christmas with the Aliens' to live audiences! 

Autumn 2 - Week 6

This week has been the final week for rehearsing the Nativity ready for performing next week to a live audience! In between rehearsals, we have been learning about 2D shapes in Maths, writing our own narrative, adventure stories in English and we made our own Christingles! In Fresh-Air Friday we played a game called 'Find a Money Star' which was great fun!

Autumn 2 - Week 5

A creative week in Year 1, preparing lots of nice things for the Christmas Enterprise. We also finished our modelled stories in English based on the book 'Wombat Goes Walkabout.' In Maths, we have been doubling using our mental maths only! In R.E, we have been learning about the importance of the advent and made our own advent wreaths. Not many photos this week, sorry!

Autumn 2 - Week 4

A busy week in Year 1! In English, we have been continuing with our narrative adventure story called 'Wombat Goes Walkabout'. In Maths, we have been solving missing subtraction problems using concrete objects. In PE, we have been continuing with our dance and learning how to stay balanced in Gymnastics. In PSHE this week, we have been learning about spending and saving in our money unit. We played a game called savers and money gremlins. We have also been working really hard during our Nativity practise too!

Autumn 2 - Week 3

Another eventful week in Year 1! We started the week with our 'Odd Socks Day' which forms part of our learning for Anti-Bullying Week! We have started to learn about subtraction in Maths and we have started to write an adventure story called 'Wombat Goes Walkabout.' We finished our week with Children in Need dress-up day and raised lots of money to help children in the UK! We even decorated our own Pudsey biscuit which we ate in the afternoon!

Autumn 2 - Week 2

This week the Year 1's have been taught by Mrs Crotty and Mrs Eyre. They have been writing their own non-fiction information leaflet on Antarctica in English. They have continued to work on addition in Maths, using their addition knowledge to solve missing number problems, as well as, using a number line. They have been learning about Remembrance Sunday and planting poppies at the church. Some of them have even ended up on Calendar News! An eventful week with lots of hard work, well done Year 1!

Poppy planting 8-11-2022

Autumn Term 2 - Week 1

A great start to the new term! We have been writing an information leaflet on Australia in English and learning about addition in Maths! We have been learning about balancing in Gymnastics and how to create an animal dance in PE! We have been learning about money and how to keep money safe. We played some fun games outside on Friday afternoon on how to keep our leaf money safe from others!
