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In Summer Term, Year 1 will continue to receive weekly spellings based on their phonics learning. These will be handed out on a Friday and are due back into school the following Wednesday for marking. Children who have completed their spellings at home, will receive a WOW sticker for their reward charts. 


We will also be setting driving tests on Reading Eggs once a fortnight for the children to do. These will be set by Mrs Treweek. 


Remember you can also continue to access TT Rockstars and our SPAG games Rollama (all login details have been stuck in your child's reading records at the front.) These websites are monitored weekly and children rewarded for their time and effort playing them and learning!

In Spring Term, Year 1 will continue to receive weekly spellings based on their phonics learning. These will be handed out on a Friday and are due back into school the following Wednesday for marking. Children who have completed their spellings, will receive a WOW sticker for their reward charts. 


We will also be setting driving tests on Reading Eggs once a fortnight for the children to do. These will be set by Mrs Treweek. 


Remember you can also continue to access TT Rockstars and our SPAG games Rollama (all login details have been stuck in your child's reading records at the front.) These websites are monitored weekly and children rewarded for their time and effort playing them and learning!

In Autumn Term, Year 1 will start to receive weekly spellings based on their phonics learning. These will be handed out on a Friday and are due back into school the following Wednesday for marking. Children who have completed their spellings, will receive a WOW sticker for their reward charts. 


We will also be setting driving tests on Reading Eggs once a fortnight for the children to do. These will be set by Mrs Treweek. 


You will also receive your child's login details for  TT Rockstars and our new SPAG games Rollama (all login details have been stuck in your child's reading records at the front.) These websites are monitored weekly and children rewarded for their time and effort playing them and learning!
