Mr Hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Click on the link for the zoom Parent's evening and enter the password and you'll be placed in the waiting room. When it is your slot for the meeting I'll invite you into the meeting. I'm looking forward to discussing your child's progress with you and how we can work together to ensure this year is the best it can be.
If Tuesday is your day :
Year 6 Parents Evening Tuesday
Time: Nov 10, 2020 3:00pm - 6.00pm GMT
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 5148 1149
Passcode: Mackem73
If Wednesday is your day :
Year 6 Parents Evening Wednesday
Time: Nov 11, 2020 3:00pm - 6.00pm GMT
JClick here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 1979 1088
Passcode: Mackem37