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Year 6 - Mr Hill

Welcome to Year 6



Year 6 are a hard-working class of 30 children who love learning. We love telling people about our day so please ask us what we did that day.


Our class teacher is Mr. Hill who is ably supported by Mrs Elliott and Mr Webb. We work as a team. Mr Lowry teaches our class every other Tuesday as part of Mr. Hill's PPA.


Our PE days for this term are Wednesday and Thursday so please make sure appropriate kit is worn on these days. The children should wear their house colour or a white polo with navy or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and appropriate footwear.  


Finally, I will be updating our page on a regular basis with lots of photos of our class work so be sure to check the 'Our Learning' section of our page to see what we have been up to!


Year 6 is difficult but it is also going to be amazing! Working together we can make it their best year yet.


Mr. Hill
