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Things to Try at Home

Your input and support at home is always welcome and has a great value in reinforcing the learning we impart at school.


Hopefully here are a few idea, thoughts, links and activities, that will help get you started.


If in doubt: Read!!

Year 6 SATs


Year 6 children are required to take part in SATs. For this they need to confidently know all about reading (comprehension), writing (different features of each text type), EGPS (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and mathematics (real world maths skills they will use in the future.).. 


We will be putting in lots of hard work in class towards the SATs but work at home will also be really beneficial. 


TT Rockstars will be your go to application for practising tables at home, the more time spent the better! 


Rollama and for your Grammar and Punctuation.


I've put the spellings for this term below :


