Week 6
A busy last week in Year 1. The children started the week with some RE drama based on Adam and Eve and also looked at the story of Noah's Ark. In PE, the children completed their striking and fielding unit by playing some team games involving batting, bowling, fielding and scoring. We did lots of investigating in Maths using directions and position. We finished the week by firing our rockets to see how far they would travel, unfortunately, none of them got to the Moon!
Week 5
A busy week in Year 1 with the children writing their own adventure stories during our independent writing sessions. In Maths, we have continued to work on fractions by finding a quarter of an object, shape and quantity. In Science, the children were testing different materials to see if they are waterproof or not. In PE, we have continued to practise our target games, including learning how to score. We have been using bats to help us in our striking and fielding games. We used different materials to design and make our own rockets in D & T. We composed our own music as a group and listened to it to check it sounded good!
Week 4
Another busy week for our Year 1's ending with an incredible class assembly on Neil Armstrong and space. This week, we have also moved onto fractions in maths, finding half of a shape, object and quantity. In music, we have been composing our own music using notes C and D. In English, we have finished off our story writing based on the book 'The Way Back Home.' In PE, we have been using both the underarm and overarm throw to hit different sized targets. We did a science experiment as a group, selecting and using the correct materials to complete the challenge. In Computing, we have been creating our own Beebot maps and using the Beebots to direct them to move forward, backwards, right and left! A super week.
Week 3
A busy week in Year 1! We have been learning about dividing in Maths using sharing and grouping method to work the number sentences out. We have continued with our sci-fi story "The Way Back Home." In PE, we have been using an overhead throw to hit a target and used our hand to strike a soft ball. We have been learning how a structure is stable for our D & T learning. In Fresh-Air Friday, we have been learning how to work as a community to achieve a community teamwork challenge!
Week 2
Week 2 started with a special assembly on how to look after water, delivered by Seven Trent. In English this week, we have started to write an adventure story based on the book 'The Way Back Home'. In Maths, we have been learning how to use multiplication methods including repeated addition and arrays. We have been learning how to use an overhead throw in PE. We had a tennis session with Paul. In PSHE, we made bird feeders to show a way we can look after our community of birds. We have started our coding unit in Computing, using Beebots to program using buttons. We also programmed using our voices and our brand new ipads. A really busy but fun week!
Week 1
A busy first week back! We have been writing about our new topic based on the historical event that Neil Armstrong took part in. We have been learning to count in steps of 2's, 5's and 10's in Maths. In PE, we have been learning how to hit a target and how to strike and field in different team games. We have been learning about tempo in Music and how to look for different materials in our classroom as part of our Science learning. We are learning how to look after the Earth in RE and PSHE and did some litter picking in our school community.
National Space Centre Visit
The Year 1's had an exhausting but amazing day at the National Space Centre on Thursday. We displayed incredible behaviour throughout the day and treated everyone and everything with respect! Super proud of them all. A massive thank you to the parent volunteers, we can't do these trips without you!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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