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Week 4 - 25th-29th Jan 2021

This week we are going to recap finding the number 'one more' than a number to 10. Our main story linked to our materials topic will be 'The Gingerbread Man'. The main purpose is to observe the baking process (making our own gingerbread men), looking at ingredients change into a solid when cooked. Please begin your remote learning by reading the story, then see if your child can retell the story to you. Next, if possible have a go at making your own gingerbread men (the recipe is below). I will put a link to the 'Top Marks' website to complete a gingerbread man counting and ordering game. We use this in class and the children love it!

Please keep on assisting your child to practice making marks with their pencil/ practice writing their first name.

Have fun blush

Our science experiment

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Please view the files above for the instructions if you want to have a turn at home!

We have made Gingerbread men today. Can you have a turn at home?

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The recipe is on this page.

Can you make a card gingerbread man like this?

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This is a super activity to help develop counting and glueing skills as well as giving your child a chance to decorate a gingerbread man.

Jolly Phonics /n/ - Sound, Song, Vocabulary and Blending

The sound we are learning this week...

Letter sound 'n' worksheets

What material is 'Stick Man' made from?  Click below to listen to the story read by Miss Hall

See how chocolate changes with this yummy recipe


A song about 'Five Gingerbread Men'

See if you can sing along with this song. Use your five fingers to count. Grown-ups can join in too.

How about making some Gingerbread Play Dough? It's a really simple recipe to follow then you can have lots of fun making your own gingerbread people or other shapes and baking them in your role play kitchen. Remember to use your rolling pins and cutters. How about gingerbread cars?
