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Use your notes from yesterday to decide on suitable subheadings and sort your information into a plan ready to use tomorrow. remember to use all the skills you learnt during lockdown to make your plan work for you.

Mothering Sunday Cards


Make a suitable mothering Sunday Card.

British English Holidays - Mothering Sunday

Click here to get our FREE App & More Free Lessons at EnglishClass101: more about English culture with EnglishClas...

Easy and beautiful card for mother's day / handmade mother's day greeting card

mothersdaycards#mothersdaygreetingcards#mothersdaypopupcards#happymothersdayeasy and simple mothers day cards / mothers day greeting cards / mothers day pop...

Home PE | KS2 Speed Bounce Challenge

Home PE is the new free children's activity program that encourages kids to stay fit and healthy during lockdown.Today's activity The Speed Bounce Challenge ...
