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Important Information

Sun Safety Poster - In PSHE, Year 1 have been discussing safety in the sun. This information poster is for your attention.

Year 1's P.E days for Summer Term 2 (term 6) are Mondays and Thursdays.

Phonics Screening PowerPoint Meeting from Wednesday 18th May 2022. Please read and let a member of the Year 1 team know if you have any questions.

Year 1's P.E day in Summer Term 1 (term 5) is Thursday. Year 1 also have Forest Schools on a Wednesday afternoon in Summer Term 1 (term 5.)

Year 1's P.E days in Spring Term 2 are Mondays and Fridays!

Phonics Screening Meeting - 26.01.22

Please find attached below the PowerPoint slides from the phonics screening meeting. You will also find a link to a past phonics screening check paper so that you can see what one looks like. Any questions, please ask a member of the Year 1 team who will be happy to answer it for you!

Reading Pass!



Spring Term 1 is the start of the new year and in Year 1 it's the start of our Reading Pass! Each week, we will use a name spinner to choose a child from Year 1 to have the reading pass (normally done Thursday morning.) That child can bring a favourite book in from home or choose a favourite book from our reading corner to read to the class (don't worry, we will help them with any words that they are stuck on!) The Reading Pass allows the children to develop reading confidence when reading out loud and it allows us all to share different stories! The reader chosen, will read their chosen book on a Friday during our Fresh Air Friday session! I will notify you on Parent Hub if it's your child's turn.

Year 1 missing number problem - addition

Short video explaining the written method for solving missing number problems involving addition and a number line for Spring Term 1 - week 2.

Year 1 - Addition - Part 4 - Number Lines/Counting On

A short video explaining how to use a 'pictorial' representation to add together two numbers.

Number line addition for Spring Term 1 - week 2.

Year 1 - Addition - Part 2 - Bead Strings/Counting On

A short video explaining how to use 'concrete' apparatus to add together two numbers. This video demonstrates an alternative way of adding using a bead string rather than concrete objects like counters, cubes etc. You can make your own bead string at home using any coloured beads threaded onto a piece of string or even a plastic/paper straw!

Year 1 - Addition - Part 1 - Counting Objects/Counting On

A short video explaining how to use 'concrete' apparatus to add together two numbers. In the video, they demonstrate addition using ten frames which can be found (and printed from) here for free:

However, you don't need to use a 10 frame to add practically, just use any concrete objects (e.g. buttons, sweets, marbles etc.) and allow a space between them so you can physically see the 2 separate numbers before adding them together to find the total!

Year 1's P.E Days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays for Autumn Term 2 and Spring Term 1!

Reading Comprehension


In Year 1, we start to look at reading comprehension in more detail. We use different comprehension characters to help us to understand and recognise different comprehension questions. These include:


*Rex Retrieval - retrieves answers from the book or text.

*Victor Vocabulary - questions about meaning of words and alternative words.

*Sequencing Suki - the order of the story or events in the story.

*Predicting Pip - what might happen next and why?

*Iggy Inference - discusses different emotions, feelings, why things have happened.


I have attached the display poster for your information. I have also attached some decoding strategies that might help you and your child when reading.



In Year 1, we teach maths using a scheme of learning from White Rose Maths. In addition to this, we have also got a school subscription to TT Rock Stars (focusing on teaching times tables) and Numbots (a programme tailored to consolidate the National Curriculum.) I have attached a letter with more information on TT Rock Stars and Numbots for your information. I will be showing how to log on in class this week and your child will bring home their username label on Thursday in their book bag.

Phonics and Reading


In Year 1, we are continuing to teach the children phonics using the Letters and Sounds scheme alongside the Letters and Sounds phonics books. We are still using Reading Eggs, an online reading programme which supports children with their phonics using Fast Phonics and their reading using age appropriate games and activities making reading fun, engaging and interesting.


I have attached a PowerPoint with information on What is phonics? so that you can understand the terminology that your children is learning which will help you when reading at home with them.


If you have any questions or queries regarding phonics or reading, please ask a member of the Year 1 team!



Year 1 Reading Race

To promote a love of reading, year 1 have a Disney themed reading race. For each day that your child has read at home, they will move that number of spaces on the reading race (e.g. 5 reads will = 5 spaces.) The aim is to collect the coloured sets (similar to Monopoly.) Once you have collected a full coloured set, you will receive a certificate. The more coloured sets you collect, the better! 

Reading records will be checked twice a week on a Monday and a Thursday. New books will be given out on those days only. You can read in between book changes, using the Reading Egg programme or alternatively, your own books from home. I will also be sending out details about other reading websites that you can use at home to support your child’s reading in the first week.


Please come and speak to a member of year 1 if you would like to discuss your child’s reading further.

Fresh Air Fridays will take place every Friday afternoon. See Parent Hub for more information!

Year 1's P.E days are Tuesdays and Thursdays for Autumn Term 1.
