Topic Homework
At least one piece of topic homework should be produced each term, rewards are given at the end of each term to the children who have taken the time to do some homework. Please be as creative as you like! It could be written work, arty, crafty, musical, mathematical or even photos of something you've done as a family out of school. Termly homework idea's can be found below.
Listening to your child read is also really important, as well as discussing what they are reading with them. You should listen to your child read at least 3 times per week, if your child forgets their school book please feel free to read any books they have at home.
Please make sure you send your child’s reading book and Reading Record with them every day and encourage them to take their book quizzes so they can whizz around our Reading Racetrack!
In Term 1, we will be focusing on the Year 3 & Year 4 Spellings. These are 100 words that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 4.
At the start of the term, your child will complete a spelling test to establish which words they can already spell, and which words will be their focus for this term.
Your child will benefit from also practicing these words at home.
Term 1 Topic Homework Idea's: