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Click here for suggested activities for Week 9 - Monday

We are starting a new topic this week - Transport.  This week we will be looking at different vehicles that travel on the road or on a rail.



- See if you can make a list with a grown-up of all the vehicles you can think of that travel on a road and another list of those that travel on a rail.  You draw a small picture of each one and ask the grown-up to write down its name.  You could bring your lists to Nursery when we next see each other and we can talk about what you have thought of.


- Choose one of the vehicles and draw or paint a really big picture of it.


- Watch the video below of Barnaby and Becky as they travel on a steam train.  Have you ever been on a train? What kind of train was it?

- Check on Purple Mash for some 2Dos that I have set up for you.  See if your grown-up can help you save them in your file.


- Go on a hunt either in your house, in your garden or out on a walk.  See how many things you can find that start with 's' or 'a'.  Here are a few ideas to get you started.

- Practice the songs below too which we sing in Nursery.  Show your grown-up how to do the actions.

Jolly Phonics Song - s

Jolly Phonics "a" Sounds
