Sports day fun
Let's start again - 8th March
Miss Furniss and myself are really looking forward to finally getting the Afternoon Nursery started up again on Monday 8th March. Some of the 'afternoon' children have been coming to Nursery during lockdown and therefore from Monday these children will be attending for their normal 3 hour afternoon sessions. There are other children however, who have only visited Nursery once or maybe even not at all, so this first day (or Tuesday if your child is in the second group) will be their first day. We hope to make the start as smooth as possible so that all children have a wonderful time and are super-keen to come again. By the end of w/e 19 March, all children will hopefully be attending Nursery for their normal sessions of three hours at a time.
We have lots of super activities and opportunities lined up. Keep an eye on our learning page as we will be adding photos on there as soon as we can.
Take care and we will see you all soon.
Miss Hall
It was so lovely to see seven of our new starters on Monday 4th January. They all came into Nursery so happily and had a wonderful time meeting their new friends, grown-ups and playing in the different areas of the Nursery.
Then came the lockdown announcement. This means that school is only open to children of Critical Workers and to those considered Vulnerable.
It's a shame that we won't be seeing your lovely children for a while but we hope that you will be able to support them with their learning. We will do all that we can to help with this and are always available the phone or via the email contact form on the class page.