Monday 5th February - Start of Children's Mental Health Week - the children will take part in group activities to boost their mental health. We will also spend lots of time discussing our feelings
Tuesday 13th February - Parents Evening I starting at 3.30 until 6pm - watch out for your email to book your slot.
Wednesday 13th February - short parents evening
Thursday 15th February - Parents Evening II starting at 3.30 until 4:40pm - watch out for your email to book your slot. Last Day - End of Term 3.
Friday 16th February - Inset Day - school closed to children.
More dates might be added so please ensure that you keep up-to-date with Parent Hub.
Monday 25th March - Book fayre - come along and buy a book from a fabulous selection [after school in the hall]
Wednesday 27th March - Decorated eggs to be brought to the hall in the morning. Please name.
Thursday 28th March Easter service 9:30am
Easter egg hunt and activities at school