Year 5
Welcome to Y5!
Mr Windsor takes charge of a class of 26 children, and ably supported by Mr Webb and Mrs Elliott.
Currently, Mr Hunt is teaching the class in Mr Windsor's absence.
Mr Hunt will give it his best efforts in trying to update the website as often as he is able.
Lea Green Day 1
After a slightly later departure than anticipated, we eventually battled through the fog, traffic and a sooooooo sllloooooowww lorry, we made it in one piece.
As always, the first task is some orienteering to get us used to the site, and help the children find their way around.
Despite this activity being a staple for the past 10 years or so, I was astounded to be told that 'It's not there! The marker isn't there.' Or... 'You couldn't find it?' 'Er, yeah, maybe'.
That's the spirit - off you pop and have another go.
Lunch was a cracking sandwich with a very gingery gingerbread person, and then off to the ropes course.
We managed to gets loads of photos for this one, and all of the children manged to push themselves to achieve something new. It was a great effort all-round and i hope the photo's come out well to show this.
Tea was a cracking roast dinner with chicken and some amazing roasties. I won't say who commented 'These are better than at home!'. I also won't comment on the ability of some with a knife and fork (least said; soonest mended).
Ans so to the Night Walk. What promised to be a leisurely stroll over hill and dale, turned into an apocalyptic cloud burst at the halfway point. To say we were drenched, really didn't do it justice. 'I hate rain, especially when it's hard', just about summed it up.
However, the extended walk seemed to have done the trick it's now 22.48 and all is quiet. Well, the boys are. Let's hope Miss McGregor has the same success.
Paddleboarding tomorrow - getting wet on OUR terms this time.
Lea Green - Day 2
After the terrible weather last night, we were greeted with glorious sunshine and raise in temperature - it boded well for a day getting wet!
The first thing we had to navigate was a little disappointing news. Due to the rain the previous night, we were unable to go paddleboarding. The higher river level was too dangerous, and the current too fast, so rather than risk losing a few children down the length of the Derwent, we changed to a stream scramble.
The boating went ahead as planned though.
Once there, we had a quick lesson in paddling -forwards, backwards, right, left, pull and push. I was clear to see who had slept well the previous night as these simple instructions were a doddle; not so for those still half-asleep.
Once on the water, Miss McGregor had one boat and I had the other. All I can say is my boat majestically skipped across the surface of the water like the Vikings of old; like the Ancient Greeks rowing to war; like Gods and Goddesses of the waves.
We also had the opportunity to take some fabulous 'Titanic-like' pictures, which are testament to the teamwork of the children.
Once we were fed and watered after the boating, we headed for the stream. It must have been a tough day at the office for a couple of the boys, who had a little snooze on the way back from the river!
Luckily, last night's rain worked in our favour, and the stream had a great flow with lots of 'Oooo, that's deeper than it looks' moments. The children, by the end were living proof that drips get bigger, not wetter. It was not possible for some of the children to get any wetter!
Some scrambled under branches, some dunked there heads in mini-waterfalls, some took the opportunity for a little 'spa-time' and have a lounge in a little pool. By the end, they all had big smiles and full wellies.
Tea was great with the most AMAZING eclairs ever. This set us up well for the last game - Smugglers Run. Lots of chasing, forfeits, silly dances and some of the worst jokes I have heard in ages.
And so, this exciting day meant a slightly earlier bedtime. 9.55pm, all in bed, All quiet. Miss McGregor and I were just about to do the final check when THE FIRE ALARM WENT OFF!
What joy.
Despite this sudden shock, the children were amazing. They left the building really quickly - many in bare feet - and we assembled in good order as we had practised. I cannot praise them enough for how this was done - especially those tip-toeing alone the car park to the assembly point.
So know it is 22.58 and all is well again. I look forward to an alarm-free night and we go again for the final day.
++++ EDIT++++
And just for good measure, we had ANOTHER fire alarm at 11.45pm. Again this proved to be a false alarm, again, the children were amazing!
The rest of the night passed uneventfully (or I slept through it).
Lea Green - Day 3
Guess what? Day3 started with ANOTHER FIRE ALARM!!
This took our total up to 4 for the trip, and a new record. Yet again, the children were amazing, and lined up so much better than the adults! As a thank you (and apology) the Lea Green staff gave out some free gifts to the children - unneeded, but welcome nonetheless.
So once things returned back to normal, we were all harnessed up and headed off to the Team Swing. This is a personal favourite of mine, as I know it pushes the children to their limits (and a bit further), works well for teamwork, and they all come off it - regardless of height reached - with a real buzz and sense of achievement.
This year topped the rest in terms of faces-pulled and noises-made. There were some absolute beauties, but sadly the photography wasn't able to capture them all. (It wasn't helped by the incoming fog playing havoc with exposures). Still, the children all came off the swing knowing that we had all had a good laugh and generated some wonderful memories.
In fact, the group was so good and speedy, there was just enough time for one last go. Oh, the children were soooooooooo kind and let Miss McGregor and me have a go too. Yes, we did make it all the way to the top. Yes, Miss McGregor did scream. Yes, the harnesses are a bit snug!
Lunch - excellent sarnies and some super-sticky buns. Many of the children getting much of the chocolate on their chins. One in particular (you know who) 'When to Lea Green a boy, but came back a man' such was the amount of chocolate around his mouth!
The final activity was a round of lovely co-operative games, and a reflection of the three days.
Unusually, the drive back was just as excitable as the drive there. It is normal for the return journey to be subdued, but no, further renditions of 'The Wheels on the Bus' were forthcoming!
Thank you to all of the children who played their part in making the trip some wonderful. Thank you to the parents who took the time to chat or pass their thanks on to Miss McGregor or myself.
My thanks goes to Miss McGregor for her time, patience and support on this trip. Without the dedicated staff we have in school, these things cannot happen.
I received this email late yesterday:
I have been asked by our instructors and other staff to pass something on to you.
The group who have been staying with us Wednesday to Friday this week are a credit to your school, your staff and their parents. They have been so well behaved, so polite, and so keen to be involved in the activities, it has been a pleasure to have them stay with us.
I observed them on the Streamwalk and they were keen to try every challenge, they came back completely soaked but buzzing from their experience
The instructors have enjoyed working with them and I hope they have enjoyed their stay
Please pass this on to the other school staff, the children and their parents
The group definitely got the maximum out of their trip
Thanks for your time
Many thanks
Gary - Team Manager
That'll do me!!