The children in Year 2 have logins and passwords to all of the websites below.
Reading Eggs/Eggspress
This website encourages the children to read and answer questions about what they have read. The children all have a Lesson Map to work on and there are other sections on spellings and phonics.
The children move on to Eggspress when they have finished the Reading Eggs lessons.
This website contains some games for children to have fun with maths. The children all have a lesson map to work on and earn certificates at the end of each mini map. There are other sections like Mental Minute for the children to explore.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is an award winning website for primary school children. It enables the children to enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way.
A website where the children complete online maths quizzes at home. A great learning tool for progress and developing independence.
Active Learn
A digital learning space where children can read e-books and poems studied in class and complete literacy activities. offers quizzes based on spelling, punctuation and grammar. The quizzes are based on objectives the government have set for
Year 2 to learn.
Numbots/TT Rockstars
Numbots contains timed quizzes on counting,addition and subtraction based on each child's individual academic level.
TT Rockstars is for the more confident mathematician and contains timed quizzes on times tables and their related division factors.