I have created a Kahoot on Volcanoes for the children to have a go at remotely. This is part of the Friday afternoon lesson and is based on learning from across this week. The children love doing Kahoots in class and it would be nice if as many take part as possible. Just click the link below and put their name in. If it proves as popular remotely as it does in class, it could become a regular thing.
At the start of each Maths lesson, the children complete several speed challenges (see the above link). This daily arithmetic practice has proven invaluable in helping the children's times tables recall progress to what I would expect of a Y5. It would be wise to continue it at home.
They can choose the speed and type of Maths they wish to practice i.e times tables, rounding, place value, ordering, unit fractions. All it takes is a quick 5-10 minutes and it will ensure that the children are retaining important maths skills.