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Things to Try at Home

Your input and support at home is always welcome and has a great value in reinforcing the learning we impart at school.


Hopefully here are a few idea, thoughts, links and activities, that will help get you started.


If in doubt: Read!!



Year 4 children are required to take part in the government multiplication check in the summer term. For this they need to confidently know all of their times tables up to x12 to be able to answer any multiplication question within 6 seconds. 


We will be putting in lots of hard work in class towards the multiplication check but work at home will also be really beneficial. 


TT Rockstars will be your go to application for practice at home, the more time spent the better! 

Term 2 Homework ideas

This term we are learning to cook using seasonal produce. Please encourage your child to cook at home and send in photos of what they have made.

Can you practise saying some fruit and vegetable words in Spanish??

We are also finding out about the Norman conquest. It would be great if the children could produce something to show what they have learned eg a helmet from the battle, their own bit of the Bayeux tapestry, a model castle, a crown fit for a king etc Let your imagination run wild!!



Term 1 Homework Ideas:


  • Find out about the clothes Ancient Greeks wore. You could draw and label a picture showing a typical Ancient Greek outfit, or create one which you could wear!
  • Make a Spartan helmet or design a shield.
  • Create a Greek temple, like the Parthenon, using a range of materials.
  • Make a travel brochure about Ancient Greece. Where would you travel to? Where would yous stay? What could you do while you were there? 
  • Design your own Labyrinth. 
  • Research Greek food. How is it different to traditional English food? You could recreate your own Greek dish and write a recipe for others to follow. 
  • Create an eye-catching, informative fact file or poster about a Greek God.
  • Create a leaflet for people visiting Greece including important information. Where is it? What is the weather like? What is the currency? What is the language?
  • Turn a myth into a cartoon using lots of pictures and speech bubbles. 
