As an Endowed Church of England School religious education plays an important part in the life of Camm’s School. The two strands that we focus upon are:
· Learning about Religion
· Learning from Religion
Our aim is to enable children to understand the nature of religious belief, to have knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and an awareness of God, the Bible, the history of the Christian Church and the traditions of Christian worship. We also aim to give the children an understanding of other religious beliefs and customs. Children are encouraged to use these Christian values throughout their school and home life.
Our children participate in a daily religious assembly. Once each week a vicar from the parish church comes to school to lead an act of collective worship. The children are also taken to the parish church to celebrate main events in the Christian Calendar in which parents are warmly invited to participate in.
We follow the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2014—2019