Welcome to Reception!
Home to Miss Furniss, Mrs Rotherham and Mrs Hurst.
Miss Furniss will be leading learning Monday to Thursday. During her planning time on Fridays Miss Yeoman's will be covering in class. Mrs Rotherham supports learning every morning and on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Mrs Hurst supports learning Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Learning within Reception is shaped around the 'Development Matters' non statutory curriculum and will have the children's unique development, needs and interests at the core. The majority of learning experiences will be practical and play based both indoors and outdoors (in all weathers), with our adults present to help build upon their experiences and knowledge. As well as this, there will be more formal lessons including; literacy, phonics, maths, PSHE, Music, P.E and R.E.
Due to the play and sensory approach children will often come home messy, don't worry this is a sign that they have had a busy, fun filled day learning. As mentioned previously we will enjoy the outdoors come rain or shine so please ensure that your children are equipped with a waterproof coat and if you would prefer wellies can be brought to keep at school.
The following will show important days of the week this term, in which certain things will be needed:
Tuesdays/Wednesdays: PE - Children to come to school dressed in their P.E kit.
Fridays: Forest Schools - Waterproof Coat/ Puddle Suit and Wellies. Non uniform - comfy and older clothes that you do not mind getting messy.
Please keep up to date with Parent Hub, this is where important information will be shared, including the upcoming week's highlights, which will be sent on a Sunday.
Many thanks,
The Reception Team!