Home Page

Photos of Our Learning

Outdoor Sketches

Evie's EGGsplosion

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Easter Cards

Friendship Hall Easter Experience

Red Nose / Ukraine Non-Uniform

World Book Day

Topic Homework First Week Back!

Valentine's Day Cards

Roman Numeral Lollipop Numbers

Gladiator Day - Food tasting!

Teeth Investigation - Science

Steel Pans - Music

Making Mosaics

Locating Roman Roads

Shield Making

Roman Research

Baking Roman Bread

Roman Timeline

Pine Cone Bird Feeders

Reasoning Friday - Perimeter

Animal Fancy Dress

Basketball Skills

Guided Reading

Forest School - Pitching Up!

Children in Need

Forest School - Bug Hunt

Forest School - Leaf Pictures

Artwork inspired by Kandinsky

Landmarks Around the World Map Work

Float or Sink? Paper Boat Challenge

Human Water Cycle!

Reasoning Friday

RE with Rev. Andy

Music - Introducing Mambo Tambo!

Geography - Locating the Worlds Oceans!

Music - Rhythm and Beat

Reasoning Friday

Poetry Detectives!
