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Phase 3

Monday 1st March. Using all the sounds we have been learning ask your child to make a word to match the picture.

Use each of the following phonemes once, igh, sh, ee, oa, ai, oi, th, ow, ur, nk, ch & ng. 
Tuesday 2nd March. Live Phonics Lesson! 1.15-1.30 TODAYsmiley
Wednesday 3rd March. All you need for toady's phonics is a dice! Read the 'ear' words on whichever line matches the number on your dice. Make it a bit more fun by taking it in turns with your child.

Thursday 4th March. Please watch today's video then open the word document and ask your child try sounding out the er words.

Today’s video looking at the ‘er’ sound.

Still image for this video
Friday 5th March

Hopefully today is our last day of Phonics Home learning! So I thought it might be good to just have some fun. So today, I would like you to spend some time on Phonics Play Phase 3, choose your favourite game and add any of the sounds we've been working on. 

I'm really looking forward to next week when we are back together, I've got my stickers ready and can't wait until we can have some Phonics fun making Bob burp again!!

