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Does Chocolate Grow on Trees?

The Great Fire of London

Weather Experts

Throughout the first half of the Spring Term, Year 1 will learning about the weather. The children will explore different ways of measuring the weather and will even have a go a presenting a short weather forecast. 

Topic Homework Ideas...

Florence Nightingale 

Throughout the second half of the Autumn Term, Year 1 will be focussing on the life of Florence Nightingale. Children will be encouraged to think about events in their own life as we begin to develop a greater understanding of chronology. Children will explore why Florence Nightingale's choice of career was so surprising, and will also consider the importance of the changes she made to the working practices of a hospital in Scutari during the Crimean War.

Knowledge Organisers

These 'knowledge organisers' (two version) have been made to support children's learning about Florence Nightingale. Please also use them at home to help children gain confidence with key 

vocabulary and events in Florence Nightingale's life.

Topic Homework Ideas...

Penguins, Possums and Pigs

Topic Homework

It was so brilliant to have so much topic homework come into school in the first couple of days back after the summer holidays. Well done Y1 for all your hard work. We have decided to use one of our large display boards in class to display your wonderful work. Don't worry if you haven't had a chance to bring in any topic work yet as there's still time to bring some in over the coming weeks.
