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Year 2 Planning

Year 2 Overview:

Current Topic: How did the actions of Eyam in the mid 17th Century protect nearby towns and cities?

In Spring 2 we will be undertaking a local history unit of work. The children will be learning about how a decision made by the people of Eyam village in 1666 helped to protect nearby towns and cities from the plague. In science, children will be learning about different materials and their properties. Children will be evaluating different building designs in art and will be using this as inspiration for their own junk-model designs!

Newsletter for Spring 2:

Medium Term Plan for Spring 2:

How is Singapore different to where we live? (Term 3)

Our geography-led topic during term 3 will focus on comparing Singapore to the area we live. In English, Year 2 will be finding out lots of information about Singapore in order to produce their own non-chronological reports. The children will also find out about the types of habitats we find close to the equator and also learn about a famous artist from Asia, Yayoi Kasama.

Newsletter for Spring 1:

Medium Term Plan for Spring 1:

How is Mary Seacole remembered today? (Term 2)

Our topic during Term 2 will focus on the life of Mary Seacole. Children will find out about the obstacles Mary had to overcome and how her work made such a difference to the lives of others. Children will also think about what they can do to help maintain good health.

Newsletter for Autumn 2

Medium Term Plan for Autumn 2:

Why do animals need a habitat? (Term 1)

During this topic, we will be finding out why animals need a habitat in order to survive. We will be finding out lots of information about creatures great and small and will be exploring our local habitat to see what we can discover!


On our trip to Carsington Water on Tuesday 19th September, we will be developing our understanding of food chains and life cycles that exists in a variety of habitats.

Newsletter for Autumn 1:

Medium Term Plan for Autumn 1:

Our Class Stories This Year...

TermClass Texts
Autumn 1The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me
Autumn 2Fantastic Mr Fox
Autumn 3Flat Stanley
Autumn 4 
Autumn 5 
Autumn 6 

