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Our learning

Summer 1

This half term our main topic will be about 'Life cycles'. We will focus on the life cycle of a butterfly, frog and chicken. The children have enjoyed observing the caterpillars changing and are eagerly awaiting for them to hatch from a cocoon to a butterfly. We have tadpoles in our classroom and are observing them daily. We are yet to see their back legs emerging. smiley

Spring Term 2

This half term will be learning about Dinosaurs and then moving on to the Easter topic! Please click on the 'topics' button above for further information. 

Thank you smiley


Spring Term 1

This half term we are going to focus on the topics:

- Winter

- Materials

- Chinese New Year

Please click on the Nursery 'Topics' button above, to view our half term plan smiley

This half term we are mainly thinking about 'Toys'! We have started our topic by bringing our favourite toy to Nursery, discussing our toy with the class and painting a picture of it. Look at our favourite toys below...
