We are keeping the arrangements the same as previous years.
Parents can bring a picnic lunch and find a spot on the field from 11.30am when the gates will open.
Children will be registered at 12pm and then allowed to find their parents and have lunch with them. If parents aren't able to make it children can have lunch with staff and peers. All children that have a school lunch will be provided with a pack up from the school kitchen. Children will return to their teachers to be re-registered at 1pm and then will sit in their house groups under pagodas to be called for their races. We would ask that children stay with staff whilst races are being run as it can delay things if we have to find children. We understand that you may want to congratulate your children however we are responsible for their safety until the handover at the end of the day and would ask you to send children straight back if they have made their way to you.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be taken at the end of the event back to the classroom and dismissed as normal to ensure they are reunited safely with parents. Junior children will be allowed to find their parents at the end of the event. Please ensure that you inform your child's class teacher that you have left the site. If children can't find parents/guardians we would ask they make their way to the office until parents arrive to collect. If we run over, (it isn't unheard of) the last few events may be run in school time the following week.
Throughout the event we have had some marvellous Friends of Camms volunteers who will be running a cafe (proceeds to school projects) if anyone can spare time during the event to help please let the office know. Also if you have a spare hour on Thurs evening homemade cakes go down a bomb, your support is much appreciated.
All this is assuming the weather holds til Friday, fingers crossed.