PE and earrings
As mentioned in my newsletter last week (attached again), please be aware of our policy regarding earrings and PE.
If you wish your child to wear earrings at school (small studs and sleepers) then please either provide tape to cover them up, or ensure that your child can remove their own earrings. School does not provide tape or remove earrings.
There have been a number of children in school this term who have missed PE because of their earrings. Better still; leave the earrings out on PE days!
We currently allow earrings in school, as long as they are small sleepers or studs, and have no current intention of changing this. however, if too many children are missing PE lessons because of earrings, then we may have to look again at the policy.
PE is a vital part of the school week and we hate to see them miss-out over something that is easily prevented.
Many thanks for your help in this matter.
Mr C