All children receive a daily maths lesson and all children follow a similar lesson structure which includes mental work, whole class teaching, group or independent work and a plenary session.
Emphasis is on children developing mathematical understanding and applying this knowledge to many different types of problems. Mathematics remains a significant strength of the school and we look to build on this further with the challenges of the new curriculum.
We base our teaching material around the Pearson scheme of work which provides a good structure to the year and has a variety of teaching resources (including homework!) to help the children progress.
The new curriculum encourages depth to learning, with a move to mastery; so that the knowledge the children have in are area of maths is well developed before moving on to the next topic or area.
Included below are files which detail the curriculum progression through the Rising Stars framework. this framework is based on the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) from the National Curriculum, but break them down into smaller, more progressive steps.