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Important Things

Term 4 Parent Hub:


- PE days: PE days this term are Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday is normal PE gear - just a reminder that your child should still be wearing their school jumper/ cardigan/ fleece over their PE kit. Wednesday is swimming so your child will need to come to school with their swimwear on underneath their uniform.

Tomorrow we will be busy doing topic engagement rather than PE so uniform should be worn as normal.

- Topic: This term our topic is 'Wild, Wild West' looking at Native America. As always please be as creative as possible! If your child would like to produce a written piece that is great but we will be doing plenty of that in class. Get creative - it's amazing some of the pieces the children produce and they love to show off their creations as much as we love to see them! This term, those that bring any relevant homework in will be rewarded with a 'choice afternoon' at the end of the term as a thank you for their efforts. This will only be offered to those who produce a piece of homework before the last week of term.

- World Book Day: Just a reminder this Thursday (3rd) is World Book Day so the children are encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school and (more importantly) bring in their favourite book.

Term 3 Parent Hub:


- PE days: PE days this term are Monday and Wednesday. Monday is normal PE gear - we will be doing fencing this term! Just a reminder that your child should still be wearing their school jumper/ cardigan/ fleece over their PE kit. Wednesday is swimming so your child will need to come to school with their swimwear on underneath their uniform (not PE kit). Which leads me to the next point nicely...

- Swimming: Your child will need to bring to school with them a (preferably waterproof) bag containing a towel and underwear. If your child will be wearing goggles please ensure they are adjusted to their size prior to Wednesday. Hair must be tied back so please consider your child's hairstyle of the day - likely pony tails and plaits galore! And finally, earrings are not allowed in the pool, nor are plasters/ tape covering them so please remember to remove them on Wednesday mornings.

- Topics: This term our topic is Romans! We got some lovely pieces of homework in last term and would love to celebrate even more of it this term! Please be as creative as possible! If your child would like to produce a written piece that is great but we will be doing plenty of that in class. Get creative - it's amazing some of the pieces the children produce and they love to show off their creations as much as we love to see them!

- Remote learning: Should your chid need to learn remotely work can be accessed from our class page here: Work should be kept as a 'pack' and brought into school when your child returns.

Term 2 Parent Hub:


- Forest Schools: on Wednesdays we will be engaging with Forest Schools therefore on these days the children need to come to school with warm, outdoor clothing on. The weather is likely to be wet and cold, if they do not bring a coat to school we cannot allow them to go outside to forest schools for their own comfort. A change of shoes may also be of benefit.

- PE: PE day is Thursday, just another reminder (I know I sound like a broken record) the children should wear blue or navy bottoms with a white or house coloured polo.

- Half-term Writing: yesterday I set the children their half-term writing challenge. They have been asked to write a newspaper article about something they did over half term. Their piece has to follow the correct format and be written to a Y4 standard. We have agreed the reward will be an animal fancy dress day with a games afternoon, the children also agreed that only those who complete the writing challenge will engage with the reward.

October Parents Evening

Tuesday Parents Evening Teams Link:  


Please make sure you log in using your chids Teams log in, I cannot admit anyone using a personal account. 

Reading with your Child at Home Guidance

Term 1 Parent Hub: 


PE: Our PE days this half-term are Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s. As before, on these days children should come to school in a white or house colour polo with black or blue bottoms and their school sweatshirt. It would also be good if the children could bring a change of shoes, especially on soggy days!
Pencil Cases: These are no longer needed, unless your child would like to bring in their own colours etc. Our pencil pots are now back on tables so the children will have access to all the stationary they need.
Labels: Please label anything (if possible everything!) your child will be bringing into school. There are a couple of fleeces in our classroom with no names left from before summer that I will attempt to re-home on Monday. One is age 9-10 and the other 11-12, if you think one of them belongs to your child please let me know!
Other Stuff: As the cold and wet months approach us (rapidly!) can you please make sure your child is bringing a warm/ waterproof coat to school with them.
Also, just as a reminder water bottles need to contain water only please; any that contain juice will be replaced with water.

Finally, for our first week back Wednesday will be the only day the children need to come in their PE kit as on Tuesday we will be busy creating topic work for our display.
