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Important Information

Miss McGregor is an ex dental nurse and she spoke to the children about the importance of taking care of our teeth. Here are some leaflets with good advice about tooth care

We have been finding out about keeping safe online with Smartie the penguin [Childnet]


As our Birthday season begins, just a reminder that we are unable to hand out treats and goodies to the children. We are a healthy eating school and also have an increasing number of allergies to consider. We will however, make a fuss of your child on their birthday - they get a card, sticker and song from the class [now we are able to sing again!] We are unable to give out class lists of names for party invitations but are always available to speak to about friendship groups [or if it's a whole class invitation, just send them in un-named and we will hand them out]


We have a PE lesson planned every Monday and Friday. On PE days please could you send your child to school in PE Kit [black shorts or jogging bottoms, white top and pumps or trainers]  Your child will stay in their PE Kit all day. Thanks

Early Years Policy
