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Weekly homework (Friday to Friday):

* a 10-word spelling list

* multiplication practise on TTRockStars

* reading at home with Reading Record signed by parent/carer

* homework will be every two weeks


Topic homework can be as much or as little as you like, as long as I get at least one piece each term.  You can be as creative as you want, but it could be around Roald Dahl (author), Quentin Blake (illustrator), 'The Twits' or any Roald Dahl book, animals including humans.  Consider the range of subjects on our timetable e.g. something arty, construction, baking, photos of something active, musical, a book review or something mathematical.  The choice is endless!


Children in Year 4 will be doing a government times table test in June, so reciting times tables, doing them out of order, reversing them for divisions is a focus this year.  Your child needs to know their tables up to 12 x 12 and be able to answer within three seconds.




6 times table (hand in 23-10-20)

8 times table (hand in 16-10-20)

4 times table (hand in 9-10-20)

Spelling Test 9-10-20

3 times table practise (hand in 2-10-2020)

Spelling Test 2-10-20

Spelling Test 25-9-20

Spelling Test 18-9-20

Spelling Test on 11-9-20
