Safeguarding Policies
This is the latest set of policies relating to safeguarding.
Much of this information is Government or County-level information that is adopted as good practice in school.
However, we NEVER consider safeguarding as a tick-box paper exercise. We recognise the value and high-priority safeguarding has in school and make every effort to ensure that the children in our care, and the wider community, are as safe and secure as possible.
These polices were brough before our Full Governing Body (FGB) on 21-10-24 and adopted at that meeting. Since then, some revisions, errors (mainly spelling!) have been made and re-uploaded. The covers have been left left blank purely to save time, but all polices have been adopted under minute number FGB211024.5.
There is a LOT of information on this page. Please do not hesitate to contact me if your require any further information or discussion about these policies, or how we safeguard your child.
We are here to help.
Mr Cocking