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Calendar of Events

Monday 6th September - first day of Term 1.


Term 1 PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays - please send children to school in their PE kit - house colour/white T-shirt, navy blue/black shorts or joggers, trainers, jogging top in case we're outside. 

Water bottles (containing water only) to be sent into school every day please.

Please send your child's reading book and Reading Record to school every day.


Thursday 16th September - 'Mambo Tambo' music starts for 7 weeks.


Friday 17th September - 560 PE starts for 10 weeks.


Wednesday 22nd September - World War 2 Day.  We will enjoy drama activities, music and singing.  We will also take part in a tea dance, involving dancing and WW2 type food from home.


Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd October - Year 5 to Lea Green Activity Centre.
