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  • Last Week Letter

    Wed 01 Jul 2020

    This is the text from the letter that has just gone out on ParentHub.  It's all the same info - just no fancy header.


    Dear Parents / Carers


    Re:  Last week get together!


    As you hopefully recall, in the last newsletter, I alluded to my plans to try and organise a last week get together to try and finish this year off in a celebratory fashion.  Thanks to the ideas of the staff and timetabling skills of Mrs Eyre, these plans are taking shape!


    By the end of this week, details of what each teacher is planning will appear on the normal class page on the website, and via Parenthub.


    Due to the vagaries of the British weather, everything needs to revolve around the capacity of the hall, just in case it tips it down, and the fields are unavailable.  Ideally, we would have liked to offer half days out on the field, with several groups spaced out on our fabulous grounds, but one bad day will ruin the whole thing.  So, rather than risk a wash-out, we feel something more scaled back will be more reliable.


    The length of the session will only be 1 – 1½ hours, which we know isn’t long, and means you finding something to do for that time, as we cannot accommodate adults on site – including our car park.


    So, when you come and collect your reports on the designated day – as detailed on the newsletter – you will be asked to sign up for one of the session that are on offer.  If you are unable to come and collect, then email/phone ‘bookings’ will be offered after the collection time.  Please do not try and book before this time, as they will not be accepted.


    Sadly, due to GDPR, we cannot say who will be in each session, but it will be members of the same class, and that will most certainly include a number of friends.  Once booked, we respectfully ask that you don’t change your mind – this causes an absolute nightmare!  There is no requirement to come, no fine if you don’t, we would just love to see as many of you as possible on the times given. 


    If you are already accessing school at the moment, please sign up as well – we will make any arrangements at this end with regards to bubbles and the like.


    I sincerely hope that everyone is able to make it, but if you are shielding or otherwise unable to come, please do not panic.  Being safe is priority number 1 and we all respect this.


    Kind Regards and Stay Safe



    Mr T Cocking

