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School Council

School Council

Welcome to our school council webpage, which will keep you updated on the activities and achievements of our enthusiastic young leaders.


As you may already know, our school council plays a vital role in representing the voices of our pupils to help support positive changes within our school and local community. The council meets termly to discuss ideas and initiatives that can enhance the overall school experience for our children.


This webpage showcases our aims, values, and commitments, all of which have been developed collectively by the children themselves. It also features our objectives document, which outlines our plans for the current academic year.


This page will be frequently updated with the latest news about our ongoing projects and the remarkable achievements of our school council. It will enable you to stay connected with the progress and impact we are making within the school and the wider, local community.


If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Paterson at

School councillors helping Friends of Camms with their Easter trail.

School Council Charter


All children have been involved in the creation of the charter.

School Council Charter 2023-24

School Council - Objectives 2023-24
