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Camm’s CE Primary School Statement for PE:  

Learn - Play - Improve

Healthy Body; Healthy Mind




It is our intention when teaching the PE curriculum that we develop the enjoyment of physical activity and strive to improve the importance of health and wellbeing. Our intention is to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, with the vision this provides them with lifelong learning skills.


We strive to ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, learning the importance of health and wellbeing and equipping them with the necessary values and tools to achieve in our academy and beyond. We hope to give access to sports and recreational activities that are not within the normal sphere of experience and combine these with competitive elements to develop personal challenge.


It is our intention to engage pupils in the possibilities of sport to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confidence to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do.





At Camm’s, we recognise that in order for all pupils to progress they need to be confident across each of their yearly objectives. Our PE curriculum covers the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum, and ensures all children are given opportunities to be challenged to progress their learning further.


Through our teaching of PE we aim to deliver the lessons in a meaningful context, giving purpose and wherever possible curricular links are exploited, wherever possible through the wider curriculum.


We based the skills learning on the ‘Real PE’ Scheme of work, complimented with more competitive and game elements through quality first teaching. External coaches from Qualitas,  Forest Schools, Bikeability and ‘The 560 Lady’ are used to broaden the range of activities offered, as well as offering high-quality CPD for staff.



Within the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are encouraged to explore physical activity through both active free-play, including outdoor provision and PE lessons. EYFS children will also use the Development Matters stages to work towards the Early Learning Goals in Physical Development. With the direction of their class teacher, the children will be introduced to situations where they will be required to develop control, coordination and strength with the development of gross, fine motor and fundamental skills embedded daily. The children will then begin to use these skills in game scenarios as the year, their abilities and confidence progresses.




In KS1, we provide opportunities for pupils to  develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Over the course of the year this covers dance, gymnastics and a variety of games. We are striving to ensure they are able to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations including competition.




In KS2, pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. We are determined that they enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other and that they develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports, learning how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Over the key stage, pupils will continue to be taught dance, gymnastics and a variety of games. Year 4 children are taught swimming.




We strive to ensure that our pupil’s attainment is in line or exceeds their potential when we consider the varied starting points of all our children. Through our progressive skill based curriculum we are measuring the children’s ability, striving for them to meet their age-related expectations for their year group. We intend the impact of our PE curriculum will ensure children will leave our academy prepared for the next step in their physical education and life beyond primary school.

