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At Camms we strive to provide a secure foundation for all our children so that they develop the knowledge, skills and love of learning to thrive.

Our EYFS curriculum allows the children to develop independence, solve problems and become critical thinkers - all in a secure, engaging, challenging environment. Our motto 'everyone can succeed' is at the heart of everything we do.


As a church school we place a strong emphasis on the religious, spiritual, moral and cultural development of our children. We explore the important Christian values which shape how we behave, help us to build positive relationships and celebrate our uniqueness. 



Our curriculum is designed to reflect the needs and interests of the children.

It allows opportunities to develop the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning': 

Creating and thinking critically - children develop their own ideas, make links  between                                                                    experiences and solve problems.

Active Learning - Children persevere and keep trying and celebrate their achievements

Playing and exploring - Children investigate, explore things and 'have a go'

The EYFS framework involves seven areas of learning : Maths, Literacy, Physical development, Personal and Social Development, Communication, Understanding of the World and Expressive art and design. Each of these areas of learning are interconnected and through purposeful play, positive relationships and a balance of adult-led and child initiated learning, children make good progress from their starting points.

At Camms we believe that the outdoors is essential for development in all areas of the curriculum. Therefore we often take the learning into the playground with a free-flow system which allows the children to learn in a way that suits them.

We strive to develop positive relationships with our families and work together with them to ensure that each child reaches their full potential.



To ensure that all children make good progress across all areas of the curriculum, ongoing assessment is integral to classroom practice. We use informal observations, small group activity and play based sessions to collect information about each child. Each child has a  'learning journey' which allows us to collect those important steps each child makes and share with parents to celebrate at home. 




