Welcome to Year 4
We are a bubbly class of 30 children who love to learn and grow. We love to celebrate our hard work so if we come home with a sticker make sure to ask us what we have achieved!
Our class teacher is Miss Beadle, supported by Miss Wright.
Mrs Yeomans teaches us on a Tuesday afternoon (PPA cover) and Mrs Eyre teaches us all day on Friday.
We are going to be super busy in Year 4! Tuesday afternoons we will be swimming and on Thursday mornings we are lucky enough to be learning how to play Ukulele's.
Our PE days: Tuesdays are swim days so the children should come to school wearing their swimwear underneath their normal uniform.
On our 'normal' PE days the children should wear their house colour or a white polo with navy or black bottoms and appropriate footwear. Our PE day this term is Thursday.
Miss Beadle
Year 4 children are required to take part in the government multiplication check in the summer term. For this they need to confidently know all of their times tables up to x12 to be able to answer any multiplication question within 6 seconds.
We will be putting in lots of hard work in class towards the multiplication check but work at home will also be really beneficial.
TT Rockstars will be your go to application for practice at home, the more time spent the better!
Ancient Greece
Term 1 Timetable:
Term 1 Homework Ideas: